Klientas: Eugesta
Data: 2019 01 25
Vieta: Biblioteka
On January 25, the Eugesta Winter Party was held, during which the entire Library shone in its brightest colors. The chosen theme – “Neonkes” dictated both the party decorations and the overall atmosphere. The guests of the evening were greeted by social games and circle games where participants could win various prizes related to the theme of the evening. Who wouldn’t want to wear a neon wig? And those who wanted to further illuminate themselves, in neon color, rushed over to drawing UV tattoos.
After a delicious and hearty dinner, the program of the presenter, Tad Rimgaila, began. It started with a voting game, during which the company was able to find out the views of its employees on various things. This was followed by an energetic dance lesson that raised the mood and prepared the audience for the upcoming concert. The culmination is Keyper’s performance, which has captivated the audience so much that neon paint has adorned not only the environment, but also people’s faces.
A playful and non-binding evening is exactly what our longtime client wanted